Aren't they adorable? Tiny little boobies!
Friday is Wear It Pink day in the UK. WIP is a charity that raises money for breast cancer research and the last Friday of October means that, at work, we all wear something pink, bring in our pocket change to donate, and buy some cakes from the bake sale.
I got roped into baking this year and there are now about 100 boobs in my living room waiting to be boxed up.
Sugar Tits Recipe
With only a couple of modifications this recipe comes from my Robin Hood Flour Bake a Little Love cook book that I won at the county fair when I was 8 for decorating a giant chocolate chip cookie awesomely.
The cookies themselves are really quick and easy because you don't have the bother of rolling out and cutting. You can make and decorate 100 in about 2 and a half hours.
For the Tits
- 3 cups all purpose flour
- 1 and 1/2 cups (about 3/4 lbs) soft butter or margarine
- 2/3 cup soft light brown sugar packed
- Vanilla or almond extract or your favourite combo of spices (I used Chinese five spice and some extra ginger)
- Half a bottle of cheap white plonk
For Decorating
- Icing sugar
- Some cheapo in-the-tube icing (make sure you have a star tip for piping)
- Silver or pink decorating balls, patience
How To
- Pre-heat over to 375-ish (gas mark 7 or 8)
- You don't need to grease your baking sheets
- Have some sheets of baking parchment or a cut up paper bag on your table to cool and decorate on
- Cream butter, sugar, and flavouring until combined and fluffy
- Mix in the flour until all well combined
- Get a glass of wine
- Take tablespoons of mixture and roll into balls (you want them to be about an inch)
- Drink wine and roll until your trays are full
- Bake for 20-25 minutes or until they are nice and golden
Wait for them to cool and then apply nipples. You do this using a star tip on your piping bag.
Hold the bag vertically over the boob. Just touch the tip to the surface of the boob. Squeeze. Stop squeezing. Lift the tip away.
Have another glass of wine.
Take your decorating balls and put one in each dollop of icing.
You too now have 50 boobs.
Get out another bottle of wine and repeat for 50 more boobs.
And don't forget to Wear It Pink tomorrow for breast cancer. One in EIGHT women will be diagnosed with it. Plus you like boobs don't you? Who doesn't like boobs? Do it for the boobies!
Tweet and share if you know someone who needs to make some boobs.