Welcome to Reader of the Week. A Hancock's House of
Happy regular feature showcasing the stitching talents of readers. If
you have stitched a Hancock's House of Happy chart send me a link in the
comments or in an email to hancockshouseofhappy at googlemail dot com. I
will pick my fave and post it up. You will get a link and a picture
in your very own post and also be featured in the side bar for a WHOLE
I am always amazed to see my charts stitched up by you guys. The fact that they are out there in the world because of you is so incredible. And you peoples really do make them your own. Like this week's Reader of the week: Tiffstitch. Check out the Tiffstich blog for tons of craft stitchy goodness.
Tiffstitch stitched up the free Dr. Who Cyberman chart for her dad. It IS Father's Day coming up after all.
Here it is in all its You-Shall-Be-Upgraded glory!
This is amazing Tiffstitch! I bet your dad loved it!
And thanks again to all of you who have written in and commented. Keep those stitched up charts coming. I have set a challenge for the next ROTW. Stitch up my most half assed free cross stitch chart ever (The Transit of Venus) and send in your take on this truely cosmic event.
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