Don't Desert Me! Four Free Cactus Cross Stitch Patterns to Download

Four Cactus Cross Stitch Patterns to Download for Free

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Wondering if you missed any of this week's free cross stitch patterns? There were four free cross stitch patterns for featuring cacti.

This week's theme of free cactus cross stitch patterns was sort of an accident. I did one cactus cross stitch pattern and then just sort of leaned into it because the ideas turned up. It is a little bit ironic because I have been in a creative and literal drought recently. 

There are four cacti cross stitch patterns for you download this week (and forever because once it's on the internet etc etc.) and they come in various styles. All of the free cactus cross stitch patterns are pretty cross stitch beginner friendly.

I am not sure what next week's theme will be. I still feel like I am in the middle of the desert creativity-wise. This quarantine this is pretty relentless and I have not had a real break from work since last November. But vacation/holiday seems rather pointless right now because ya can't go anywhere! Not even to see my family which is a total bummer.

In the meantime there's cross stitch! Maybe I should do like a cross stitching holiday. It's been a while since I have done any cross stitch. I could pick a big pattern and take a week off and see if I could complete it in a week. Not sure if my eyes would be up to it!  

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