You may remember I did a cross chart a little while ago of a happy little washing machine. This cross stitch chart of a happy little kitchen stove has been inspired by similar circumstances. The washing machine chart was the result of my very own old faithful washing machine packing it in. Well, it is now time for my old rusty brown range to go.
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I hate waste and I never buy something new unless the old can't be saved and such is the case here. And none too soon as well. It hasn't been quite right for some time but it was liveable. If you consider having the six muffins at the front of the oven black while the six at the back of the oven are still raw.
Anyways, I am rather keen to have a new one and take full advantage of the latest in stove technology.You can get them with TWO ovens these days. My head asplode. I can bake cookies and roast a chicken at the same time!
Right click and save as. The DMC colour key is included in the chart.