Snail Away with Me! To Snails Sailing in a Cross Stitch Sailboat

If you have ever clicked around this site you may have noticed that there are a couple of motifs that come up more often than others in the cross stitch charts: Coffee and Snails.

I have always said that the Snail is my power animal but never really explained why. And I don't know if it is possible to articulate it.

I am a soft sensitive introvert who has found it necessary to have built up a very hard shell over a long time. But I do enjoy coming out of my shell now and then. To yell at people. For kisses. To dance in the rain. I love the rain. If it goes too long without raining I get a bit dry and sticky and miserable.

I love salad. And beer! And I have absolutely no problem at all with going into my shell and staying in there with just myself for long periods of time.

There was recently this experiment done about how people handled being on their own. They stuck individuals in a room with NOTHING except for a little electric probe thingy that would give them a mild electric shock. They timed how long it took before a person CHOSE to shock themselves to stave off boredom. The best time was like 5 minutes.

Pussies. In the study of human VS solitude I am a marathoner.

This is why I find my day job so exhausting to the point that I am totally drained of all creative energy. I have to be with and talk to and yell at and help and coach and be nice to PEOPLE all day long.

So here is a cross stitch chart of two snails sailing away from it all.

This is a really simple chart that would be good for a beginner. Lots of big blocks of solid colours. It would make a cute little pillow or pin cushion if it were done as tapestry or needlepoint as well!

Right click and Save As on the image below to get the full chart!

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