You Maki Me Soy Happy: A Puntastic and Free Printable Sushi and Soy Sauce Cross Stitch Pattern Sampler

kawaii sushi and soy sauce cross stitch needle point pattern free download

I asked y'all on the Hancock's House of Happy Facebook page which you would rather see a cross stitch pattern for: Sushi or Cupcakes.

The overwhelming preference was for a new free sushi cross stitch chart. If you would like to be the first to know about new free cross stitch patterns or even get to chose what pattern I make next, make sure to like the facebook page to get those announcements!

While I work on making that new cross stitch pattern for you, there are a few patterns from the past that I thought it would be worth reposting. This one, with the little salmon maki and soy sauce is a very old one indeed. So old that I had to re-chart it because it was a file from my old charting software.

This one also used to be up for sale on Craftsy at some point so I have made a few improvements to the design and colours.

This is what the old one looked liked (I even still have it up in my shed).

What do you think? My preference is definitely for the new design. It is less fussy with less back-stitching.

I like to mix some easy cross stitch patterns into my posting schedule. This cross stitch pattern would be a good one for younger kids for example.

Just right click and save as to get the full size chart download and stitch away. If you do make this one, everyone at the HHH facebook page would love to see it so post it up there.

By popular demand, the chart includes symbols as well as colours to make it easier and more accessible to read.

It really helps me out if you Share it!

Thanks for sharing!

kawaii sushi and soy sauce cross stitch needle point pattern free download

If you like my free cross stitch charts you might be interested to learn that I will be launching a Patreon later this year. Subscribers at $2 per month will be getting at least two exclusive subscriber charts each month plus lots of printables and other digital goodies that won't be available for free anywhere else. Exclusive charts have a value of $3 each so that is a huge saving for subscribers for the charts alone!

Here is a sneak peak at the first exclusive chart!

Join my facebook page Hancock's House of Happy for launch announcements! If you would like to know more about me and Why Cross Stitching and why your support is so important, please read the My Story page on this blog.

Another way you can support the work I do here is by simply clicking on one of these stupid ads google puts on the page.

Or buy something cute at my zazzle store. Like this vintage pyrex inspired coffee mug. You drink coffee don't you? Well you need a cute mug for that!

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