It's a Kind of Magic! Five Magic Cross Stitch Patterns to Download for Free

Five Free Magical Cross Stitch Patterns

There are five new free magical cross stitch patterns coming at you and also some terrific cross stitch magic puns. AND... just for shits and giggs all of this weeks free magic cross stitch patterns are done on a black background fabric but don't feel you have to use black. Some of these magical cross stitch designs would look pretty cool on hand dyed fabric. There are a couple that would also be perfect for any mutli-coloured or variegated floss you have in your stash.

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See what free cross stitch patterns are coming up next week. Hello happy friends! As you know if you follow the facebook page I am struggling with some health issues right now and they can be debilitating at times. Which is why I am excited to be giving you the usual five free cross stitch patterns next week. Plus a Patreon exclusive! And the theme all next week is Magic. There are five new free magical cross stitch patterns coming at you and also some terrific cross stitch magic puns. AND... just for shits and giggs all of this weeks free magic cross stitch patterns are done on a black background fabric but don't feel you have to use black. Some of these magical cross stitch designs would look pretty cool on hand dyed fabric. There are a couple that would also be perfect for any mutli-coloured or variegated floss you have in your stash.

Magic Crystal Shard Cross Stitch Pattern

There are five new free magical cross stitch patterns coming at you and also some terrific cross stitch magic puns. AND... just for shits and giggs all of this weeks free magic cross stitch patterns are done on a black background fabric but don't feel you have to use black. Some of these magical cross stitch designs would look pretty cool on hand dyed fabric. There are a couple that would also be perfect for any mutli-coloured or variegated floss you have in your stash.

Pretty Floral Pentacle Cross Stitch Pattern

There are five new free magical cross stitch patterns coming at you and also some terrific cross stitch magic puns. AND... just for shits and giggs all of this weeks free magic cross stitch patterns are done on a black background fabric but don't feel you have to use black. Some of these magical cross stitch designs would look pretty cool on hand dyed fabric. There are a couple that would also be perfect for any mutli-coloured or variegated floss you have in your stash.

Potions is a Virtue Funny Magic Cross Stitch Pattern

There are five new free magical cross stitch patterns coming at you and also some terrific cross stitch magic puns. AND... just for shits and giggs all of this weeks free magic cross stitch patterns are done on a black background fabric but don't feel you have to use black. Some of these magical cross stitch designs would look pretty cool on hand dyed fabric. There are a couple that would also be perfect for any mutli-coloured or variegated floss you have in your stash.

That's How I Scroll Funny Magic Scroll Cross Stitch Pattern

There are five new free magical cross stitch patterns coming at you and also some terrific cross stitch magic puns. AND... just for shits and giggs all of this weeks free magic cross stitch patterns are done on a black background fabric but don't feel you have to use black. Some of these magical cross stitch designs would look pretty cool on hand dyed fabric. There are a couple that would also be perfect for any mutli-coloured or variegated floss you have in your stash.

Not All Who Wand Are Lost Magic Wand Cross Stitch Pattern

There are five new free magical cross stitch patterns coming at you and also some terrific cross stitch magic puns. AND... just for shits and giggs all of this weeks free magic cross stitch patterns are done on a black background fabric but don't feel you have to use black. Some of these magical cross stitch designs would look pretty cool on hand dyed fabric. There are a couple that would also be perfect for any mutli-coloured or variegated floss you have in your stash.

Patreon Exclusive! Gorgeous Floral Pentagram Cross Stitch Pattern. Over 12 pages!

There are five new free magical cross stitch patterns coming at you and also some terrific cross stitch magic puns. AND... just for shits and giggs all of this weeks free magic cross stitch patterns are done on a black background fabric but don't feel you have to use black. Some of these magical cross stitch designs would look pretty cool on hand dyed fabric. There are a couple that would also be perfect for any mutli-coloured or variegated floss you have in your stash.

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